Monday 6 August 2012

Ko wai to ingoa?

Hi my name is Deandra and I am writing about how to speak Maori Language. I am also learning to speak maori words for my topic studies. Below here I have written some Words in Maori translated to English and at the bottom I have my Mihi in Maori and it is also in English.

English - Maori.

1. Head - Maunga
2. Shoulders - Pakihiwi
3. Eyes - Karu
4. Nose - Ihu
5. Ears - Taringa
6. Mouth - Waha
7. Hands - Ringa Ringa
8. Legs - Waewae

Here are some questions and the answers to the questions  in Maori that  I know:

English - Maori

Ko wai to ingoa?
What is your name?

Ko ........... toku ingoa
My name is ............

Kei te pehea koe?
How are you?

Kei te pai ahau
I am good

Ka nui te ora
I am great

Ko wai to hoa?
Who is your friend?

Ko ......... toku hoa
My friend is ........

Here are some greetings in Maori and in English:

Kia Ora - Hello
Tena Koe - Hello
Morena - Good Morning
Ata Marie - Good Morning
Tena Korua - Hello if you’re talking to two people

Here is a Maori word for goodbye

Ka Kei te /Ano
See you tomorrow

Numbers up to 20 in Maori :

English - Maori

One - Tahi
Two - Rua
Three - Toru
Four - Wha
Five - Rima
Six - Ono
Seven - Whitu
Eight - Waru
Nine - Iwa
Ten - Tekau
Eleven - Tekau ma Tahi
Twelve - Tekau ma Rua
Thirteen - Tekau ma Toru
Fourteen - Tekau ma Wha
Fifthteen - Tekau ma Rima
Sixteen - Tekau ma Ono
Seventeen  - Tekau ma Whitu
Eighteen - Tekau ma Waru
Nineteen - Tekau ma Iwa
Twenty - Rua Tekau

Here is example of my Mihi in Maori:


Ko Mata whoura  te Waka.

Ko Taniwha te Maunga.

Ko Utakura te Awa.

Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi.

Ko Ngati - toro  te Hapu

Ko Rahiri te Rangatira

Ko Piki  te Aroha te Marae.

Ko Deandra ahau.


My Canoe is Mata whoura .

My Mountain is Taniwha.

My River is Utakura.

My Tribe is Ngapuhi.

My Subtribe is Ngati - toro.

My Chief is Rahiri.

My Marae is Piki te Aroha.

My Name is Deandra.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Deandra. You know many Maori words and phrases. You have researched thoroughly to find the information in your mihi. I'm glad you are proud of your Maori heritage.
    Kia Kaha
    Mrs B
