Wednesday, 2 December 2015

EOTC Week: Reflection

This is a google presentation that I have created to showcase my reflection about the E.O.T.C week that the year 7 & 8 students experienced last week from Monday - Friday.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Note Taking Template: The Moon

This is a DLO that I have created to explain the different areas of expertise of the moon. I completed this task with my buddy Shantai.

Friday, 6 November 2015

All Blacks Article - Blooms Taxonomy Task

This is a google presentation that I had completed to show my Blooms Taxonomy skills using the Remember, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating strategies.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

All Blacks Homecoming Celebration

Image result for all blacks return homeImage result for all blacks return homeImage result for all blacks return homeImage result for all blacks return homeImage result for all blacks return homeImage result for all blacks return home

WALT: reflect on the homecoming of the 'All Blacks'. The All Blacks' airplane landed 7:00 am yesterday morning(Wednesday 4th November). They were greeted with an impressive crowd of fans at Auckland International Airport.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Exploring The... Solar System

WALT: create a DLO to display this task where you choose a topic and research about that topic related to our inquiry unit.. Earth and Beyond:The Night Sky.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Quest for The Cup - All Blacks vs Wallabies

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WALT: reflect on the outstanding win by the All Blacks against the Wallabies.

Being the first country in the Rugby World Cup to ever win back to back and to win the cup three times is amazing and to also have the captain of that New Zealand team be the first ever to hold the cup twice as well. That just proves how much New Zealand cares about the lifeblood sport which pushes us to train harder and play stronger. Four years ago we won the Rugby World Cup and four years later we won it again, and four years to come I hope we win again.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Sun Poem

This is a poem about the sun which I made that relates to our inquiry unit.

Day & Night: Learning Focus

WALT: create a cycle of what we think happens when the sun's rays reach earth using arrows and symbols in a diagram.

Understanding Task: The Sun & Moon - Day & Night

WALT: create a DLO to describe where the is sun is and use keywords related to our inquiry unit which is.. Earth and Beyond: The Night Sky. This is an Understanding Task that I had to do using keywords to describe where the sun goes at night and where it is during the day.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Home - Movie Blooms Taxonomy

This is a Movie Blooms Taxonomy that Room 10 had to complete which related to our inquiry unit which is.. Earth and Beyond:The Night Sky

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Kiwi Sport Reflection: 1st Lesson

SNAG GOLF from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
This morning for kiwisport, Room 10 had their first lesson with our Golf instructor.. Hugh from Snag Golf. Hugh told us to all pair up in groups of 3 or 4 and to go to a station where we were supposed to have one person at a time. Next we were rolling three tennis balls to reach the bullseye of our target practise. Once we got the bullseye we had to shout out 'SNAG!'(snag means.. starting new at golf) and then it was the next person's turn.

Hugh then told us all to stop and he started giving us pointers(tips) to help us aim for the target accurately while he showed us how we were supposed to stand and how we were supposed to have our left or right arm(depending whether we were left handed or right handed) swinging straight while we rolled the ball into the cones/a hula hoop/and towards the bullseye. In my group I was with Ma'asi & Angel. Although we couldn't stop laughing at each other's fails, we still encouraged each other to try again. Even Mrs Fepuleai(Deputy Principal) joined in and she had lots of fun too, besides missing the targets. Overall this morning at Kiwisport:Snag Golf was fun and educational.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

NZ Shakeout Day Reminder:

This here is a Google presentation about raising awareness of national event... NZ Shakeout Day! Today in class we practised a 'Drop', 'Cover', & 'Hold' drill for the NZ Shakeout Day.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Science Experiment(Soda and Vinegar Experiment)

This is a DLO that I worked on with my two buddies Angel & Mele. This was also a reflection task on the science experiment we did today with our class.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My Game Invention: Circuit Sized

This is a Google presentation that I created to showcase my Game invention called.. 'Circuit Sized'.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Tuakana Teina Day with Room 1 Term 3 Week 8

This is a Google presentation that I made with my two buddies Lauren and Jeremy to showcase what we did in Room 10 today with our buddy class Room 1 for Tuakana Teina Day at Tamaki Primary.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Te Whare Tapa Wha - Four Walls Of Self:

This is a presentation that me and my three buddies Christopher, Viliamu, & Cavhyon had created to showcase what we had learnt about Te Whare Tapa Wha(Four Walls of Self).  In Te Whare Tapa Wha the four walls include.. Te Taha Wairua(Spiritual Well-being), Te Taha Hinengaro(Physological Well-being), Te Taha Tinana(Physical Well-being), & Te Taha Whanau(Family Well-being).

Tongan Language Week:

This is a Google presentation that was made by my buddy Mehi. We had been learning about the different words/phrases you could say in Tongan and also the cultural background as well.

Brilliant Inferrers-Novel Study: The Hobbit

This is a Google Presentation that I have created to showcase my reflection about the 'Hobbit' book that I have read for the last few weeks.

Food Technology: Date Scones

This is a Google presentation that my group and I used to reflect about the food we made in our food technology unit today.

Descriptive Poem: Kick Boxing

WALT: write a descriptive poem about a sport/game related to our inquiry topic.. 'Practising Peaceful Play.' This poem that I have made is about Kick Boxing.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Tuakana Teina Day - Game

This is a google presentation reflection of the Tuakana Teina Day with Room 10, Room 1 & 2. In my group I was with Mele, Willy & Viliamu.

Monday, 31 August 2015

(Reading)Iron Tamariki - Key Ideas

WALT: identifying the key ideas of a story.

Key Idea - Fixed Mindset:

In the text .. Iron Tamariki me and my buddy Mehi, found that while we were analysing the story for key ideas we came up with 'Fixed Mindset' because we found evidence in the text that the Main Character.. named Mana had displayed signs of doubting that he would be fit enough or fast enough to complete the Iron Tamariki Marathon through the beginning of the text. E.g "I ... hate... running", "Cool! But do you really think I'm going to be fit enough?", "Far!Dad, so you think I can do this Iron Maori Tamariki?"

Key Idea - Encouragement:

In the text.. Iron Tamariki me and my buddy Mehi, found another key idea which was encouragement. In the story the main character.. Mana is constantly reminded that he can accomplish the Iron Tamariki Marathon by his whole whanau(family) whom have 100% faith that Mana can win the marathon and gain the confidence that he needed to persevere through his doubts of being able to compete in the marathon. E.g  "C'mon cuzzie you can do it",   "I know you can.", "Don't worry about me speedy!, Kia Tere(hurry up)!", "Kia Kaha(be strong), boy!" 

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Kia Manawanui Whare Tapa Wha:

Image result for physical well being
Image result for physical well beingWALT: apply Te Whare Tapa Wha.. the four walls of self to ourselves.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Food Technology - Bread Bowl

This is a google presentation reflection about the food we made in Food Technology last Thursday. I was in a group with Maopa, Shantai & Teina.

Te Whare Tapa Wha - Hauora - Health

This is a google presentation that me and my two buddies Lauren & Patosina made to show the different ways we show Hauora or Health in our daily lives such as eating healthy, playing sports, excersizing regulary and etc.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Multiplicative Thinking Buddy Task: Reflection

This is a Google Drawing that me and my buddy Patosina made to showcase our own reflection about the way we used Multiplicative Thinking to solve and show how we got the answer for the multiplication facts we did.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Night Market Safari:

This is a googe presentation that I have made to showcase my own recount about a past childhood memory relating

Thursday, 30 July 2015

My Growth Mindset Reflection Task:

This is a DLO presentation that I have made to show case my personal reflection of having a Growth Mindset. A growth mindset person is someone show does not give up, who perseveres through setbacks and takes charge of their life and they steer it down a path where they are promised a bright future. I would love to embrace having a Growth Mindset so that I too may have a bright future.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Maths Strategy:

This DLO(digital learning object) showcases my strategy of solving simple maths problems by using place value and addition partitioning.

Maths Task:

This is a DLO showcasing my strategy that I used to solve this simple maths problem.. 6 x 142 which in conclusion equals 852.

Thinkers Keys:

This DLO(digital learning object) is a google presentation about 'Thinkers Keys', I have composed this presentation to support the information I have done myself that relates to our current inquiry unit which is 'Practising Peaceful Play.'

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Place Value and Addition Partitioning #2:

This is a DLO that showcases my strategy of solving 3 x 143 which equals 429.

Place Value and Addition Partitioning:

This is a DLO that I have made to display the strategy I used to solve 4 x 243 which equals 972.

Fair Chocolate:

WALT: create a DLO to show your prior knowledge of what you know about chocolate.
This is a DLO(digital learning object) that I have composed to showcase what prior knowledge I have about chocolate. It also displays some of the stages in the process of making chocolate from cacao beans.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Multiplicative Thinking:

This is a DLO that showcases the meaning of 'Multiplicative Thinking'. We are currently learning to use multiplicative thinking skills to help us Year 8 students reach Stage 7(L4) by the end of this year so we can all be prepared for college next year.

TPS: Whole School Boot Camp Reflection

This google presentation DLO is a reflection about the TPS whole school Boot Camp event that had four event courses with another four activities within them.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Gods & Goddesses - Myths & Legends:

Advertisement for FRIENDS WANTED!

This google drawing is an advertisement for skills for adolescence which is about FRIENDS.

Hercules: Classic Myth

In classic mythology, Hercules is indeed the son of Zeus, the mighty ruler of the gods, but his mother is a mortal named Alcmene. Practical and egotistical Zeus took it upon himself to sire this demi-god in response to a prophesy that the only way to save the world from the Titans - 50 gigantic beasts with the legs of serpents - was with the help of the greatest and strongest of mortal men. When the goddess Hera discovers what Zeus has done, she sends two serpents to kill the child - but young Hercules strangles the creatures with his bare hands.
Aware now of her son's destiny, Alcmene has Hercules trained in all the arts required of a warrior hero: charioteering, fencing, wrestling, and music. Too strong for his own good, Hercules is sent into the mountains as a shepherd, where at age 18 he kills a great lion. He uses the skin as a cloak with the head forming a kind of hood. (This famous costume is depicted in much artwork of the time.)
Hercules' first marriage to Princess Megara produces three sons but comes to a tragic end when a vengeful Hera causes Hercules to go mad. Hera adds misery to his grief by conspiring to have him become the slave of his cowardly cousin King Eurystheus for a period of one year, during which time he is subject to every demand and labor the evil little relative can dream up. With Hera working behind the scenes to suggest increasingly impossible and perilous tasks, the "Twelve Labors of Hercules" begin to take shape and lead to the hero's further glory. The labors include fighting the Nemean Lion, killing the nine-headed Hydra (which grew two heads to replace each severed one), capturing the murderous boar of Mt. Erymanthus, cleaning the stables of King Augeus, driving away the Stymphalian birds, catching the fire-breathing bull of Crete, bringing back the golden girdle of the Amazon Queen Hippolyta, picking three golden apples guarded by a fire-breathing dragon, and bringing back Hades' three-headed guard dog, Cerberus.
His labors completed, Hercules returns to civilization to resume his life and chooses a Caledonian princess named Deianira to be his second wife. On the way home from the marriage, Hercules kills the Centaur Nessus for making ungentlemanly passes at his bride but not before the crafty creature convinces Deianara to take a few drops of his blood to prevent Hercules from desiring other women.
Adventure and trouble continue to find Hercules. Another incident has him indebted to Queen Omphale of Lydia, who forces him to dress as a serving woman for three years and to spin and sew with his big hands.
When Hercules' wife becomes jealous of another woman, she decides to use Nessus' "love charm," not knowing that it will seal his fate. Finding himself in unbearable pain, Hercules begs to be placed on a funeral pyre. Accompanied by a loud thunderclap, he is borne up to Mount Olympus where he is at last reunited with his godly kin, thus making good on that prophesied battle with the Titans. Begging Hercules' forgiveness for all her treachery, Hera gives him her own daughter Hebe (goddess of eternal youth) as his bride.
Hercules may not have been a real person but "The Pillars of Hercules," two giant crags which separate Europe from Africa and which were said to have been placed there by him on the way to a labor, are still in place today.

This story was given to the Yr 7 & 8's as part of a comparison task between the disney animation version and the real classic myth version.

Mythical Creatures from Hercules(Disney Animation)

This google drawing is about showcasing the different mythical creatures from the disney animation production.. Hercules.

Define Myths/Legends

This is a google drawing that I have created to showcase the definition of Myths & Legends.

Mata I Pusi

This is a novel study on a book called Mata I Pusi. It is about a young girl who is half palangi and half samoan. She is having trouble with accepting the colour of her eyes.

Percy Jackson Movie Study

This is a google presentation that showcases blooms taxonomy. It is also a movie study on Percy Jackson and the Lightening Bolt Thief.

How the Tiger got his stripes.

This was a tuakana teina day project that me and my buddy Punua from Room 1 made.

Kids Can Parade Advertisement:

This poster was created by the T.P.S student council which was advertising the National Mufti Day that was celebrated at our school by hosting a giant parade on our school grounds.

Samoan Language:

This is a google drawing that me and my two buddies Chardonnay & Shantai composed to showcase greetings and different phrases in Samoan.

Isis(Egyptian Goddess)

This google presentation was created by me and my two buddies Lauren & Kraven. We were learning to use figurative language to describe a mythical character.


This google presentation is about Matariki. The maori new year, it also explains why in New Zealand we celebrate this event and why we invite other people from around the world to celebrate this event as well.

Personal Goals for Term 2 2015:

This is my personal goals for Term 2 this year which I would like to have achieved by the end of next term.

Cyberbullying - The power of words:

This google drawing is about the cyberbullying unit that we are currently studying which is The Power of words.

My Myth - A Deadly Beauty

This is a google presentation that i have composed to showcase my own myth called.... 'A Deadly Beauty.' We are currently learning about writing our own narratives(myth).

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Hercules - Movie Study: Inquiry Unit - Myths & Legends

This is a google presentation of the movie study I have currently been working on to better understand the events of the myth commonly known widely throughout the world of Hercules.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Skills For Adolsence - The Characteristics Of My Best Friend.

This is a DLO of characteristics of my best friend. These are some of the characteristics that make my best friend, well. My best friend. This is also part of a skills for adolscence  unit around the friends we have around us and the decisions we make whilst in different friendships with others.

Languages Unit - Te Reo Maori: Emotions

This is a DLO of emotional responses that me and my three buddies Lavinia, Maopa & Chardonnay have created to showcase our work that we found out about different emotional resonses in Te Reo Maori. This was during our Languages Unit.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Definition of Myths/Legends

This is a DLO of my own definition of what Myths & Legends are. The images includes Celtic/Greek witches, Greek Gods & Goddesses, signs and symbols of ancient Greek, The Three Fates & etc.

Friday, 15 May 2015

School Values In A Myth

This is a DLO of our school values in a myth. WALT find key ideas in the myth of our choice from our culture that links with our school values... Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Tukumarie & Rangimarie.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Comparing & Contrasting - Rona & The Moon - Kupe & The Giant Wheke

This is a comparing and contrasting DLO of two myths/legends which relate to our inquiry unit which is Myths & Legends.

Comparing & Contrasting - Rainbow Crow & Robin Hood and The Potter

This is a comparing and contrasting task that me and my two buddies Shantai and Chardonnay have composed to showcase the differences and similarities between the two stories Robin Hood and the Potter & Rainbow Crow.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Skills Adolescence - Friend Advertisement

This is a DLO of the Skills for Adolescence Unit we did today. This is an advertisement which showcases the traits of a true friend. I composed this DLO with my two buddies Shantai & Chardonnay.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Poster to Support Pink T-Shirt Day (Stand up against bullying)

The student council members of Tamaki Primary have to organise this event which is called Pink T-Shirt day to support standing up towards bullying. Stop bullying before it happens. We are all equal people so even though they may not show it we all have feelings. Say the right thing and make good choices, don't discourage others or make them feel bad because words/actions hurt others.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Acquaintance or Friend:

This is a google drawing that I have filled out as part of the Skills for Adolescence unit that I had to do this term. This DLO is about the difference between an Acquaintance & a Friend.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Inquiry Unit Term 2: Myths & Legends

This is a DLO showcasing what me and my two buddies Chardonnay & Kahlicia thought a myth or legend was from the country we researched which happened to be France. Our myth was The Ghost of Bastille.

My Pepeha

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Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 5.52.11 am.png
Tena koutou
Ko Derek tōku pāpā
Ko Lamatia tōku māmā
No Panmure ahau
No Aotearoa/Samoa tōku whānau
Ko Maungarei toku maunga
Ko Tamaki toku awa
              Ko Deandra tōku ingoa
No reira, tena koutou,
tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
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Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 5.52.11 am.png
